The organizers of Rhinology World 2009
gratefully acknowledge the following
companies for their generous support
of this meeting:
Platinum Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors:
- ArthroCare
- GE Healthcare
- Gyrus ACMI
- Karl Storz
- Xoran
Silver Sponsors:
- BrainLab
- Entellus Medical
- Entrigue Surgical
- Meda Pharmaceuticals
- Stryker
Support and Exhibitor Opportunities
Exhibitor List Exhibitor Floor Plan
Rhinology World 2009
April 15-19, 2009
Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel
PLATINUM - $100,000 - Sponsorship of the Meeting. Includes company name/logo slide projected at the start and between each plenary/roundtable session; name/logo on the course bag; double booth in THE premium location; listing in the meeting brochure and program book; naming of a major event (negotiable).
GOLD - $50,000 - Sponsor a Demo-Dissection, Lunchtime Symposium, or Event (may include Welcome Reception, Faculty Dinner, Rhinology Bowl, etc.). Includes signage; double booth in a prime location; listing in the meeting brochure and program book, and hands-on lab participation if requested.
SILVER - $25,000 - Sponsor a Plenary Session and Round-Table (8:00 - 10:00 am), or Participate in a Lab Session. Includes signage; double booth in a prime location; listing in the meeting brochure and program book.
PROGRAM BOOK ADVERTISEMENT - The program book is distributed to all meeting attendees and provides complete schedule of meetings, activities, lectures, posters and abstracts.
Back Inside Cover - $10,000
Full Page - $10,000
Half Page - $5,500
Quarter Page - $3,000
$2,700 - 8'x10' Space/Booth (Includes table, chairs, 8'high back wall drape, 3' high side rail drape, (1) 7"x44" one line ID sign)
$6,000 - Double Booth (preferential site)
To receive an Exhibitor/Corporate Support Application, please contact:
Cathy Lafferty
Download Rhinology World 2009 Commercial Support Agreement Form
Download Rhinology World 2009 Exhibitor Application/Information Forms