All abstracts accepted by the American Rhinologic Society (ARS) for oral presentation require submission of a written manuscript.
See ARS instructions here.
Abstracts accepted by IRS/ISIAN do not require submission of a manuscript. However, the International Rhinologic Society will award prizes for the best oral (or video) and best poster.
Best oral presentation will receive $1000 and best poster will receive $500.
In order to be eligible, papers must be submitted to the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy at least three (3) weeks prior to the Rhinology World 2009 meeting (deadline: March 25, 2009), with a cover letter stating that the paper is for IRS Prize Competition only. Also submit a copy via email to Cathy.Lafferty@uphs.upenn.edu.
Information for Rhinology World Presenters
Abstracts - Oral
Abstracts - Poster
Abstracts - Video
Congratulations to the International Rhinologic Society award winners:
Best Oral Presentation
Huabin Li
Abstract # 1640
"Decreased Expression of Connexin (CX) 26 and 43 in Allergic Nasal Epithelium"
Best Poster Presentation
Atsushi Kamijo
Abstract # 1695
"Functional Cooperation Between Epithelial Goblet Cell Secretion and Ciliary Activity in the Nose"